Just Listed to Just Sold: The Process of Selling a Home or Condo on Maui
Posted by Evan Harlow R(S) 82003 on
When It's Time To Sell Your Maui Home or Condo
Making the decision to sell your home or condo isn’t always easy. Many times sellers are not selling because they really want to let go of the property. They sell because something happened in their life where they are either moving off the island, need to rebalance their real estate portfolio, or need the equity elsewhere. Just because the decision to sell isn’t always easy, doesn’t mean that the process of selling needs to also be difficult.
In fact, it can actually be quite simple when you work with an experienced agent. In this article, I’m going to go over all of the steps of the selling process as they relate specifically to Maui as well as discuss a few of the key considerations sellers will…
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