Condominium Property Regime (CPR): Expediting a Mini-Subdvision on Maui
Posted by Evan Harlow R(S) 82003 on
Condominium Property Regimes on Maui
When searching for a single family home on Maui, you may overhear your real estate agent use the acronym "CPR", but don't panic, no one is in need of cardio pulmonary resuscitation. We are referring to a condominium property regime. Believe it or not, the property and home in the picture above is technically a residential condominium. It is unit B of a 3 unit CPR in Launiupoko. You'll notice that many properties are described in listings as being a ‘CPR property’, or have unit A or unit B next to the address, that is there to designate the conforming use of that lot. If that's a little confusing, keep reading to learn more.
These types of 'condominiumized' properties are not what we actually think of when…
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