Found 2 blog entries tagged as kaanapali condos for sale.

What Are The Things to Do in Ka'anapali? Here Are 16 of The Very Best Activities

Ka'anapali Things to Do Maui

While Maui offers beautiful scenery and fun activities from coast to coast, Ka’anapali is one of my favorite and one of the most popular areas to visit for many reasons.   Ka’anapali is filled with recreational activities, cultural experiences, and opportunities for relaxation, and well, you get the point, there’s a lot to do and see! This makes it easy to plan the perfect day regardless of what you are in the mood for. If you’re looking for a few specific things to do and see in Ka’anapali, here are the best things to do from my experience having lived there and having spent a great deal of time in the area since moving to Maui back in 2010.

1. Enjoy a Beach Day at…

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Enjoy the Best Golf Courses on Maui

Best Golf Courses on Maui

One of the reasons I love living on Maui is certainly the access to an abundance of year-round world-class golf.  Not only does the weather allow for playing 12 months a year, but the island is such an amazing backdrop for a great variety of beautiful and challenging golf courses. Before I get ahead of myself, I should preface all of this with the fact that I’m not a scratch golfer or even close, but I can put an ok round together. Most of all,  I appreciate getting some time outside and just going out for a fun round with friends while enjoying a few refreshments along the way. 

That being said, some of the courses on Maui are tough! The wind is only one of the things you’ll notice affecting your score, but…

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