Found 1 blog entry tagged as one paluea bay.

The Coastal Border of Wailea and Makena

Wailea Polo Beach

The Wailea Resort boasts several outstanding beaches that front the community. Polo Beach, known in Hawaiian as Ke Ono O' Polo, along the southern coast of Wailea, provides an excellent setting for swimming, snorkeling, and surfing. 

About This Beach

Polo Beach lies south of Wailea Beach, and immediately north of Palauea Beach. A hillside adjoins this site. The topography offers both advantages and disadvantages. While the generous width of the beachfront permits panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean from this location, the terrain does limit available shade along the beachfront.

Some beachgoers choose to use umbrellas or canopies to escape from the sun during the hottest hours of the day.

The beach…

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